Single Board Computers and Accessories

Newark carries the most popular open-source and proprietary single board computers. We also manufacture and sell accessories for a variety of major platforms, including BeagleBone Black, Raspberry Pi, RIoTboard and more.

Raspberry Pi
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Choosing a Single Board Computer

Today's landscape of single board computing is comprised of a wide range of solutions, both proprietary and open-source. In selecting the right product, it's helpful to consider the benchmarks of CPU performance, OS support, memory, and I/O, as well as the amount of community backing you may need. Please refer to the simple chart below to help narrow your selection among some of the more popular single board computers.

Raspberry Pi 2
Model B
ARMv7 Quad Core900 MHz1GB    10/1004085.6 x 53.98
Raspberry Pi
Model B+
ARM11700 MHz512 MB    10/1004085.6 x 53.98
BeagleBone Black
ARM Cortex-A81 GHz512 MB  4 GB 10/1006587 x 53
RIoTboardARM Cortex-A91 GHz1 GB   4 GB 10/100/Gb40120 x 75
Atmel SAMA5D3
ARM Cortex-A5536 MHz512 MB    2 Gbit 10/100/Gb  125 x 75
Atmel SAMA5D4
ARM Cortex-A5528 MHz512 MB    512MB 10/100/Gb 135 x 88
Gizmo 2x861 GHz1 GB   10/100/Gb 101.6 x 101.6
ARM Cortex-A81 GHz256 MB      74100 x 85
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