The Leaders in Analog Technology
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Connect with the world-leaders in signal processing and a best-in-class range of products &
solutions for data conversion, sensing, power management and amplifiers & comparators.

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Analog Devices
Linear Technology
Maxim Integrated Products

Data Conversion

The latest precision ADC and DAC converters, V/F and F/V, plus everything from RMS to DC converters.

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Board-mounted like touch, hall effect and temperature plus MEMs technology: accelerators, gyroscopes, pressure and inertial modules.

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Power Management

Regulators, AC/DC and DC/DC converters, battery management, PFC controllers, LED, motor drivers, power modules and ICs.

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Amplifiers and Comparators

Precision, high-speed or lowest power—op-amps, current sense and differential, sensor conditioners, sample and hold, instrumentation and more.

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